General Rules
- Vacations : There are two vacations one of about 6 weeks duration from second week of Delhi first week of July and the other of approximately 2 weeks duration from the third week of December to the first week of January notice of the actual dates of questions are intimated to the parents or guardians through the school diary.
- All people should attend classes from the opening day after each of the vacation absence without leave application and non payment of fees till the end of July or January after the summer and winter vacations respectively will lead to the removal of the peoples name from the school roll the vacation so created will be full filled up immediately and more re admission will be possible.
- Verbal assurances: No viable assurances a lead to have been given by any member of the staff will be accepted as binding on the school similarly non verbal statement made by the parents will be accepted parents must always right to the school on any. They wish to raise or make.
- Suggestions for complaints if any should be confidentially made in writing to the principal.
- While communicating with the school that I should mention in their letters the full name class and the section of there was change in address and telephone number if any must be intimated as early as possible.
- No contributions or fines are demanded verbally from the pupil is noted in the school diary the signature of the acknowledgement must be checked the same day.
- Latecomers will not be admitted to the class without the principal signature in the school diary.
- Parents or guardians should see that all the school assignments are completed at homework given in the school diaries attended to.
- The remarks in school diary by the teachers or the principal must be must be signed by the parents
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